你认为你已经掌握了Claude 2 了吗?这 50 个高级提示词将证明您是错的,并使您的工作效率提高 50 倍。

萌傻卿 2023-07-20 09:58:37 浏览数 (2064)

50 个高级提示词帮你跟好的使用 Claude 2


1. Provide a start-to-finish roadmap for [learning a new skill] efficiently.
2. Give me a detailed workflow for [complex task] from start to finish.
3. Walk me through the process of [planning a project] step-by-step.


1. 提供有效[学习新技能]的从头到尾的路线图。

2. 给我一个[复杂任务]从开始到结束的详细工作流程。

3. 逐步引导我完成[规划项目]的过程。

4. Outline the steps to streamline my [daily routine] for optimal productivity.
5. Give me a checklist for [preparing for an upcoming meeting].
6. Provide a step-by-step guide to [accomplishing a key work goal].


4. 概述简化我的[日常生活]以实现最佳生产力的步骤。

5. 给我一份[为即将举行的会议做准备]的清单。

6. 提供[完成关键工作目标]的分步指南。

7. Give me step-by-step instructions to [use software/tool] like an expert.
8. Outline how to structure my day for maximum focus and energy.
9. Provide guidance for effectively [managing my team] in 3-5 steps.


7. 给我分步指导,让我像专家一样[使用软件/工具]。

8. 概述如何安排我的一天以最大限度地集中注意力和精力。

9. 通过 3-5 个步骤提供有效[管理我的团队]的指导。

10. Give me a workflow for [preparing deliverables] under tight deadlines.
11. Outline [project management] best practices in detail.
12. Provide a checklist for optimizing my weekly review.
13. Give me step-by-step instructions for effective [meeting facilitation].


10. 给我一个在紧迫的期限内[准备可交付成果]的工作流程。

11. 详细概述[项目管理]最佳实践。

12. 提供一份清单以优化我的每周回顾。

13. 为我提供有效[会议协助]的分步说明。

14. Outline strategies for balancing multiple [projects] without dropping balls.
15. Provide a detailed routine for maximizing productivity first thing in the morning.
16. Give me a start-to-finish process for [conducting market research].


14. 概述在不失败的情况下平衡多个[项目]的策略。

15. 提供一个详细的例程,以最大限度地提高生产力,早上第一件事。

16. 给我一个[进行市场研究]的从开始到结束的流程。

17. Outline how to build an automated pipeline for [repetitive work tasks].
18. Walk me through streamlining my to-do list and task workflow.
19. Provide [research] workflow best practices from start to finish.
20. Give me a checklist for avoiding burnout when work is hectic.


17. 概述如何为[重复性工作任务]构建自动化管道。

18. 引导我简化我的待办事项列表和任务工作流程。

19. 从开始到结束提供[研究]工作流程最佳实践。

20. 给我一份清单,以避免工作繁忙时的倦怠。

21. Give me a workflow for effectively managing multiple [deadlines].
22. Outline techniques for structuring and leading productive [team meetings] start-to-finish.
23. Provide a checklist for optimizing my environment for undisturbed focus work.


21. 给我一个有效管理多个[截止日期]的工作流程。

22. 概述从开始到结束的组织和领导富有成效的[团队会议]的技巧。

23. 提供一份清单,以优化我的环境,以不受干扰地专注工作。

24. Give me step-by-step recommendations for balancing [speed] and [quality] when under pressure.
25. Share strategies for maximizing [focus] and avoiding [distractions] in an [open office].
26. Outline start-to-finish best practices for preparing effective presentations.


24. 给我在压力下平衡[速度]和[质量]的分步建议。

25. 分享在[开放式办公室]中最大化[专注]和避免[分心]的策略。

26. 概述准备有效演示的自始至终最佳实践。

27. Provide tactics to stay energized and engaged in long [meetings] when needed.
28. Give me a detailed routine for keeping [inbox] and [notifications] under control.
29. Share guidelines for effective [delegation] conversations aligned with team strengths.


27. 提供策略,以在需要时保持精力充沛并参与长时间的[会议]。

28. 给我一个控制[收件箱]和[通知]的详细例程。

29. 分享与团队优势相一致的有效[授权]对话指南。

30. Outline optimization steps to streamline [communication workflows] across channels.
31. Provide a checklist for keeping [projects] on track against [goals] and [milestones].
32. Give me strategies to balance productivity with sufficient [breaks] and [renewal].


30. 概述跨渠道简化[沟通工作流程]的优化步骤。

31. 提供一份清单,以确保[项目]按照[目标]和[里程碑]步入正轨。

32. 给我一些策略来平衡生产力与充分的[休息]和[更新]。

33. Share best practices for running effective [virtual meetings] across locations.
34. Outline techniques to quickly identify [wasted time] and eliminate it.
35. Provide step-by-step instructions for successful collaboration using [team tools].


33. 分享跨地点举行有效[虚拟会议]的最佳实践。

34. 概述快速识别[浪费时间]并消除它的技术。

35. 提供使用[团队工具]成功协作的分步说明。

36. Give me recommendations for minimizing excessive meetings through smart scheduling.
37. Share tactics for politely but firmly saying no to non-essential [requests].
38. Outline steps to build [automation] and AI assistance into key workflows.


36. 给我一些建议,以通过智能安排最大限度地减少过多的会议。

37. 分享礼貌但坚定地拒绝非必要[请求]的策略。

38. 概述将[自动化]和人工智能辅助构建到关键工作流程中的步骤。

39. Provide guidelines for productive end-of-day routines to maximize rest.
40. Give me a checklist for keeping [follow-ups] moving without micromanagement.
41. Share best practices for productive weekly and monthly [reviews] for continuous improvement.


39. 为富有成效的一天结束时的例行公事提供指导,以最大限度地休息。

40. 给我一份清单,以便在不进行微观管理的情况下保持[跟进]进展。

41. 分享富有成效的每周和每月[审查]的最佳实践,以实现持续改进。

42. Outline strategies for focused deep work sessions free from digital distraction.
43. Provide step-by-step recommendations for streamlining my [personal task management] system.
44. Give me a detailed routine for optimizing [work-from-home] focus and productivity.


42. 概述集中深度工作会议的策略,避免数字干扰。

43. 为简化我的[个人任务管理]系统提供分步建议。

44. 给我一个优化[在家工作]注意力和生产力的详细例程。

45. Share tactics for setting clear [expectations] and [boundaries] with colleagues.
46. Outline optimization steps for my calendar to maximize [focus time].
47. Provide guidelines for [focused, productive, and search-friendly note-taking].


45. 与同事分享设定明确[期望]和[界限]的策略。

46. 概述我的日历的优化步骤,以最大化[专注时间]。

47. 提供[重点突出、富有成效且便于搜索的笔记]指南。

48. Recommend ways to keep finding and using [productivity best practices].
49. Share techniques for capturing [actionable takeaways] from meetings big and small.
50. Outline best practices for maximizing productivity in the [first and last hour] of the workday.


48. 推荐不断寻找和使用[生产力最佳实践]的方法。

49. 分享从大大小小的会议中获取[可行的要点]的技巧。

50. 概述在工作日的[第一个小时和最后一个小时]最大限度地提高生产力的最佳实践。

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